Renesus GR-LYCHEE Customizable Camera Case

GR-LYCHEE is a cute Arduino-compatible ARM Cortex-A RZ/A1LU board with a nice camera module, produce by Renesus. You can get one here. Our model is intended to be the best case of the board when used as a camera, which can contain an easy-to-get dry battery case and an LCD display, as well as a low-cost universal prototyping board sold at Akizuki denshi.On top of the case is the LEGO-compatible attachments, which you can play with.

You can get one at our DMM shop!

With this case, we won the first prize at GR-LYCHEE DESIGN CONTEST 2018.


Gudon Kremer

A toy hacker, tech violinist, computer graphics fan, childminder, and the organizer of Toyhack Club.