タグ: gudon
Gudon Kremer
A toy hacker, tech violinist, computer graphics fan, childminder, and the organizer of Toyhack Club.
The World’s First Food Printer
The Jello Printer is the world’s first food printer (2005).
We proud of it!
大和田 茂「ゼリープリンター」, Wiss 2005 pdf| Conference HP
大和田 茂「ゼリープリンター」, コンピュータソフトウェア, 2006, 23(4) pdf | Journal HP
Communication Toilet
Conceptual washroom that allows communication between a person inside and outside. They can exchange messages through no-touch buttons, freehand drawing, or some weapons to attack a person behind the door.
Moekaden Quest
A 2D MR version of Moekaden that motivates residents to clean their rooms by RPG and in-game BBS.
A small world of home appliances mascots near our life.
3D Internal Structure Design Project
Volumetric Illustration
Generates fake volumetric (but 2D) texture using guided texture synthesis on cross-section.
Publication: Owada et al. “Volumetric Illustration: Designing 3D Models with Internal Textures”, Proc. SIGGRAPH 2004, pp.322-328 PDF / HP
Volumetric Painter
Generates real volumetric object whose structure is guided by example elements arrangement on cross-sectional plane.
Shigeru Owada, Takahiro Harada, Philipp Holzer and Takeo Igarashi “Volume Painter: Geometry-Guided Volume Modeling by Sketching on the Cross-Section”, Proc. Eurographics Symposium on Sketcy-Based Interfaces and Modeling 2008 (SBIM 08), pp.9-16. PDF
Volume Catcher
Intuitive volume data segmentation user interface. Volume data are a kind of 3D data representation with internal structure (e.g. CT scanned data), rather than surface data only (e.g. polygon data.)
1st version
2nd version
- Shigeru Owada, Frank Nielsen, and Takeo Igarashi, “Volume Catcher”, Proc. ACM Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games 2005 pdf / HP
- Shigeru Owada, Frank Nielsen, Takeo Igarashi, Ryo Haraguchi, and Kazuo Nakazawa “Projection Plane Processing for Sketch-based Volume Segmentation”, IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, pp.117-120, 2008 pdf
Impossible Objects Modeler
Inconsistent Particle Dynamics
This work computes particle dynamics without any consistent geometric information. Particle bounces are computed only by surface orientation, rather than the position.
Publication 大和田 茂,藤木 淳 “法線情報のみを用いたパーティクルシミュレーションのデザイン”, WISS 第16回 インタラクティブシステムとソフトウェアに関するワークショップ2008. pdf